

tuna and pancetta salad

we'd been gardening all afternoon, and wanted something quick and easy that didn't involve much standing over the cooker.  Rummaging through the stocks in cupboards and fridge, this is what I came up with - it was lovely.

take a packet of diced pancetta, and fry it in good olive oil until crisp.  Pile on to kitchen paper to drain and cool, keeping a wary eye out for marauding cats.

scrub some Cornish new potatoes, and set them to steam.

open a can of tuna in sunflower oil, and a can of chick peas, and drain both.  Put the tuna in a large bowl, and mash it up with a fork, then put in the chick peas.

then add some rocket, diced cucumber, watercress, finely chopped spring onions, and the pancetta (which should be cool by now).  Make some dressing with walnut oil and white wine vinegar.  Mix it all about a bit.

serve with the new potatoes slathered with butter.  Delicious!

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posted by ramtops on 05 Jun 06 - 5888 views


recipes from ramtops