

white chocolate and mint mousse

250g/9oz white chocolate, broken into small pieces
250ml/9fl oz double cream
1 free-range egg white
¼ tsp peppermint extract
6 fresh mint leaves, optional

1. Place the pieces of white chocolate into a heatproof bowl and sit the bowl over a pan of gently simmering water until the chocolate melts, stirring gently with a spatula every now and then. When it's melted, stand the bowl on a cold surface to cool down a little.
2. In another bowl, and using an electric handheld whisk for ease, whip the cream, egg white and peppermint essence together. You want a softly peaking, rather than stiff mixture.
3. Add a large dollop of cream to the slightly cooled chocolate and mix together to loosen. Gently fold the chocolate mixture into the cream.
4. Divide the mixture among six small but perfectly formed glasses with a capacity of 60ml/2 ¼fl oz.
5. Chill the mousses in the fridge or give them a fast icy zap by putting them in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Once chilled, if using mint leaves, decorate each top with a mint leaf just before serving.

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posted by ramtops on 09 Dec 07 - 5941 views


recipes from ramtops