danadooley is dana

I'm really really greedy and I'm really really REALLY lazy. I love to cook, but eating is even more fun. My other love is photographing what I've cooked or made and posting it so you can eat with with your eyes, before you even taste the fruits of your labour lol
I get a real kick outta supermarkets, the bigger, the more stacked, the better. I love browsing in supermarket aisles and racks for new, weird or 'exotic' ingredients I have never seen before and thinking up new or different ways to use familiar ingredients. My favourite section? The meat chiller *grin* All those slabs of rib eye, rump and sirloin are enough to make me drool all over myself *sigh*
My room is littered with cookbooks (actually closer to the truth to say they're all over the house) and I have close to a hundred in my collection. I read cookbooks the way other people read bestseller novels or the bible LOL I love to think up recipes of my own and the ones I have posted on this site are all either my very own or 'inherited' from my maternal grandmother.
I am of part Asian, part Portuguese and part English extraction and eat almost anything under the sun but I'm particularly partial to spuds, pasta, rare beef, tuna sashimi, coffee, chocolate, red wine, avocados, chili and wasabi.
My grandma gets full credit for making me the greedy girl I am. I take full blame for my own laziness. I really hate long and complicated recipes *crossing self* God save us all from those lol. My kitchen gods are Nigella Lawson, Nigel Slater, Jamie Oliver, Anthony Bourdain and grandma ; ) Hmmm, a bit heavy on the Brit side there isn't it? LOL
danadooley has posted 9 recipes