dr. atkins' new diet revolution
by robert c. atkins

Designed to catapult your body into a state of fat meltdown,
Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution (and the accompanying
Dr Atkins' Quick & Easy New Diet Cookbook has taken America by storm. It targets insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. The bodies of most overeaters are continually in a state of hyperinsulinism; their bodies are so adept at releasing insulin to help convert excess carbohydrates to fat that there's always too much of the hormone circulating through the body. This puts the body into a bind; it always wants to store fat. Even when people with hyperinsulinism try to lose weight--especially when they cut fat but increase carbohydrate consumption--their efforts will fail. This is why Dr Atkins refers to insulin as "the fat-producing hormone".
Dr Atkins' diet is extremely low in carbohydrates, which helps to regulate insulin production and decrease circulating insulin; less insulin soon results in less fat storage and fewer food cravings. The diet is far from torturous, though--those who've tried it attest that hunger is not a part of this plan. Ninety per cent of Dr Atkins' patients--more than 25,000 of them--have experienced dramatic weight loss. --Karim Nanji, Amazon.com
posted 06 Mar 2006 at 12:34:54