

duck stir fry

One bitsa stir fry is very much like another, by and large, but this one was so nice I decided to write it up.  We'll never be able to have it again, of course - such is the ways of bitsa :)

about 1/3 of a pack of French beans, simmered for about 6 minutes, drained
about 1/5 of a previously roasted duck, cut into thin slices
some (lots) of fresh ginger and garlic, chopped very small
1 bunch of rather tired spring onions, trimmed and chopped fine
1 large Portabella mushroom, sliced thin
1 red chilli, finely chopped
lots of fresh coriander, finely chopped
pak choi, thinly sliced

Firstly, put the duck to "marinade" in some cornflour and water, with a dash of sesame oil, and slosh of Shoyu.  This softens it up, and the liquor can be used for thickening the sauce.

Our gas pressure is horrible, so we are a bit inauthentic with stir fries.  So we bunged in everything up to the chilli (so: green beans, duck, ginger, garlic, spring onions, mushroom) and stirred it around until the mushrooms were done.  Then we put on some quick noodles to cook, and added the chilli and pak choi to the wok when the noodles came to the boil.  Two minutes later, drain the noodles and add to the wok with the coriander.

It was spectacularly nice.

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posted by ramtops on 27 Sep 07 - 9019 views


recipes from ramtops