

herbs in pots

last year, I made the time to puts lots of herbs in pots outside the kitchen window, and it was lovely to be able to go out and pick coriander (although that bolts like crazy if you take your eye off it), and parsley, basil (slug feast!), thyme and rosemary.  This year, things ran away with me a bit, not least because of the impending arrival of Harry, and so I am reduced to once again buying herbs from shops.

I try to avoid supermarket potted herbs - they never seem to last, despite how carefully you water them.  But two or three weeks ago, we found ourselves in Clevedon, and dived into the Safeway Morrisons there; the only mint they had
was in a pot, so I reluctantly bought it.

and here we are, many many days later, and this little mintling is thriving happily.  So perhaps Morrisons herbs are better than anyone else's.

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posted by ramtops on 18 Jul 07 - 4972 views


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