

butter beans and chorizo

I found a packet of dried butter beans lurking at the back of the cupboard.  Marked with an expiry date of *2000*.  Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained - we soaked them overnight, boiled them for an hour, and then had to work out what do to with them.

this is one of the things we came up with in a "what on earth do we have in the fridge" sort of way, and it was very nice.

take a quanity of butter beans - either a can full, or soak and boil your own.

put some quick pasta on to boil.

in a large frying pan, saute a thinly sliced onion in good olive oil, and add some fresh chorizo, cut into thin slices.  Add the butter beans about five minutes before the pasta is cooked. 

add some finely chopped coriander - not too much, add the cooked and drained pasta to the pan, and garnish with grated cheese.  It should have been parmesan, but we were tired and in a rush, so we used gruyere by mistake - it was lovely!

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posted by ramtops on 05 Jun 07 - 10701 views


recipes from ramtops