

parsnip, carrot and coriander soup

a medium floury potato (optional)
a couple of medium onions
and strangely enough, a bunch coriander
salt and pepper to taste

I use about equal weights of parsnips and carrots.

Finely chop the onions and slowly caramelise them, this will take quite some time to do properly.

In the meantime peel and chop up the potato, 'snips and carrots, chop up the coriander. Put some of the coriander to one side if you want to serve the soup with a spinkling of it over the top.

Bung the potato, parsnips and carrots in a pot with enough water (or chicken stock) to cover. Cook until they are nearly done and add the caramelised onions and coriander, and seasoning to taste. Allow the carrots to finish cooking, it is likely that the parsnips and potato will be starting to disintegrate.

Allow to cool and whizz until smooth. You may need to add extra stock, or indeed not use all of the cooking liquor, depending on how thick you like your soup.

Bring back up to heat. Serve with a sprinkling of coriander on top (if you wish) and some good homemade crusty bread.

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posted by alicec on 05 Jan 07 - 15191 views


recipes from AliceC