

marmalade pudding

this pudding is wonderful - a real rib sticking treat!  Thick cut marmalade works best.

115g self raising flour
pinch of salt
1 tsp ground ginger
115g shredded suet
75g dark brown sugar
115g fresh white breadcrumbs
8 tbsp marmalade, plus 4 tbsp to serve
2 tbsp milk

to serve: orange slices and single cream

grease a 900ml pudding basin. Sift flour, salt and ginger into a large bowl, and add suet, breadcrumbs and sugar, mix thoroughly.

add marmlade and milk, mixing thoroughly to make a wet, dough like mixture. Pour into the prepared pudding basin. The mix should 3/4 fill the bowl. Cover with a double layer of greaseproof paper and secure with string.

steam for 2.5 hours in a double pan with a tight fitting lid. Remember to check the water while it's cooking!

lift out the basin and remove the paper. Remove the pudding onto a plate. Warm remaining marmalade in a small pan with 2 tbsp water and serve with cream and orange slices.

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posted by ramtops on 06 Nov 06 - 6957 views


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